Monday 31 October 2011


Yesterday, i was so busy with training for tomorrow tournament..
That's why i a bit dont care with my girl.. Sorry girl about it..
I hope i can get a better result for tournament..

I feel that im not alone all the time is because I got GOD that really superb for protect me..

hua, i miss my girl..
I want meet her soon, to prove that everything wont be change..
I'll Prove it to you dear..
The best among the best..

Sunday 30 October 2011


Today I passed the day so fast one.
because I just wake up at 2 o clock, because last night I was sleep at 4 in the morning..
I cant sleep or maybe i got insomnia...
I hate insomnia..
Someday, i'll prove to you that I'm the best among the best..

Now, i really bad mood of study..
because, I studied like almost 3 hours..

Btw, what happen with my darling??
Is she a shame on me or something??
Only GOD knows about it...
hope she will be find and understand my kekurangan (nda taw bahasa inggrise)

Friday 28 October 2011

Wanna shout....

Today feel very bad, today i just sleep after come back from class..
then i try to be nice with my all friend, but they cant accept it..
What happen..??
I never lie to you guys, I just wanna be a better person..
why always me..??
i feel like wanna cry because of this problem, really sad..

Today, i just play whole day and feel like wanna run away from here A.S.A.P...
wanna go work and wanna be a good boy....
Can i be a good boy and always be patience..??

Monday 24 October 2011


I donno what happen with her today..??
seem so worry about anything..
Maybe, i wasnt there for you...
I really pity my self..
Btw, she got a mid term test tomorrow and i pray to HIM that always protect prisca from anything wrong..

Today, i feel really lazy to do anything.. Because tomorrow start holiday until thursday..
Planning for wednesday is going to Genting with my indonesian guys and 3 new student..
I hope i can enjoy it..

Sunday 23 October 2011


Today really passed a day so fast..
because i woke up late, i woke up around 11 something.
because i was slept at 8 something, i was cleaned my room and try to re-design my room..
so it can be like minimalist room..
but, i cant do because the owner dont allow to change a paint..

I expecting my room like that..
but i cant afford it..

My wish for today:
1 I want to see her as soon as possible.
2. graduate on time
3. get work and build a minimalist house..

I really miss her and i wanna see her A.S.A.P....

Miss this silly girl so much {()}
big hug to her

Friday 21 October 2011

Im back

2 days ago, i got pray with GOD and also talked with my father about my result and everything..
and my father said, never and ever underestimate ur self and try to get some confidence for it.
that's why im back and im new now..
wanna change everything that sound so wrong before this case..
now the case close and solve by my father advise and no more sadness and everything that can make me happy..

btw, today is my resit paper..
i was so happy because i really did well and I didnt feel any stressful. Only last night i felt a bit nervous, but i can manage it.
The key of my successful is Use mind and never under estimate ur self.. 
That's what my father said to me.
tq father for ur advise, that advise really help me..

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Yeah its Tuesday

Today im really happy, because yesterday i was sleep so nice and I woke up at 1 in the afternoon.. Really nice.
lucky my class start at 3 oclock..
so can got time for prepare and cook something..

Today a bit shocked only, because i got called from exam unit told me that my resit paper for public speaking gonna start in friday morning..
I hope i can pass this resit paper and no more fail for next one....
now, im going to study and prepare anything for it..

Monday 17 October 2011

Yeah, Its monday

First time of my life, im not hate monday. Because my schedule was nice.. Only got 1 class during that day, somemore the class at 10 oclock. Somemore, the class was cancel also because got blackout in my campus..
really nice is it yank?? >,<
Today, really happy because can chat with my gf and she gave me a spirit for me to smile again like usual..
Silly girl that i love.. <3
Tomorrow will be fine and fun i hope..
because tomorrow i wanna try not to speak much like before, just speak whenever ppl need to ask me..

Btw, I think have a best friend is nice because i wont be alone anymore and havent have any problem at all

Sunday 16 October 2011


Yesterday is happy day for me, because i can chat with my girlfriend and forget everything about my result..

I miss her so much..
Hope i can forget a bad thing with me so fast..
WHole day im inside my room and do nothing just pray and sometimes i going out only for pee or bathing..
I hope, tomorrow will be better than yesterday..
Cross finger...

Saturday 15 October 2011

Happy a bit and sad more

sorry my dear, i can't do anything for make my self happy.
because I cant release stress in my head and Result always come in my mind, it was really suck and I fell like I wanna cry as loud as i can.. >,<
First question that come out from my mind is "when i gonna finish my degree in Nilai uc? if the result always like that". It make me a bit feel sad, luckily I hanged out with my friend so i can release a bit stress in my mind. But still I'm thinking of my bad result. It make me depress and It make me cant enjoy any happy thing during hang out with my friend.
I just keep quite and keep thinking how i gonna pass all the subject on time.. It really suck...
I hope, that result not come again in my next semester...

Btw, hunny i really miss you so much..
Sorry i cant put any photo, because i'm so sad until can't take a single pict in this blog...
Huft... >,<

Friday 14 October 2011

Shock and stress

Hari pertama masuk kelas sudah di bikin shock dengan hasil resultku yang sangat teramat jelek. aku tidak dapat berkata apapun dengan hasil yang aku terima, aku hanya tertunduk lesu dengan hasil result yang aku terima. Aku tidak lulus 2 subject dan harus resit 4subject, berita itu membuat ku terpukul. Dan aku memberanikan diri menelpon papa ku untuk memberi tahu hasil result ku, aku sungguh sangat terpukul dengan hal itu ternyata papa ku hanya bilang "rencana kedepanmu bagaimana?" Aku pun tertunduk lesu dengan jawaban itu, aku tau di balik jawaban itu papa ku sangat terpukul dengan jawaban yang aku berikan kepadanya. padahal dia sudah bekerja keras mencari uang untuk membiayi ku kuliah di luar negeri, sempat terbesit dalam otakku "lebih baek aku mati saja, karena aku tidak berguna buat siapapun". Akan tetapi sosok yang selalu memberiku semangat menyadarkan ku akan arti kehidupan dan betapa pentingnya diriku dalam hidupnya. sosok ini adalah mama ku dan pacarku tercinta.
akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk berubah demi kepentinganku sendiri dan keinginanku untuk membahagiakan orang tua ku.
aku harap di kemudian hari tidak ada kata resit and retake in my result. .FUCK THAT!!
This the first and the last time i saw RETAKE and RESIT word in my result...
*Cross Heart*
Sosok yang membuatku semangat

Best friend that always support me